
TitleAuthorPublication TypePublished inCP Number

Mineral-ecological cropping systems mitigate biodiversity-productivity trade-offs of the organic vs. conventional farming dichotomy

Kasten, M.; Witte, F.; Sponagel, C.; Bahrs, E.; Köhler, T.; Morinière, J.; Grass, I.Peer-reviewed articlenpj sustainable agriculture



Protective potential of selected microbial and non-microbial biostimulants against Zymoseptoria tritici leaf blotch in winter wheat as affected by the form of N supplyGöbel, M.; Dulal, S.; Sommer, L.; Weinmann, M.; Mamun A.A.; Ahmed, A.; Sujeeth, N.; Mai, K.; Neumann, G.; Müller, T.; Bradáčová, K.Peer-reviewed articleCrop Protection
NOcsPS - Pesticide Free Cropping Systems - Game Changer or Slow Sellers?Bahrs, E.LectureColorado State UniversityCP16
Comparison of robot concepts for new sustainable crop production systemsGriepentrog, H. W.; Stein, A.Peer-reviewed articleCrop Protection
Effect of row distance on plant architecture, weed suppression and yield of silage maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in a pesticide-free cultivation system in Southern GermanyOtto, D.; Munz, S.; Malik, W.; Graeff-Hönninger, S.Peer-reviewed articleCrop Protection
Reduction Potentials of chemical-synthetic pesticides - A case study using the example of an Eco-Scheme in southern GermanyWitte, F.; Sponagel, C.; Bahrs, E.Peer-reviewed articleFarming System
Consumer Acceptance of Pesticide-Free Dairy Products in Germany: A Partial Least Square ModelWendt, M.C., Weinrich, R.Peer-reviewed articleEnvironmental Monitoring and AssessmentCP26
Zwei Welten verbinden für bestmögliche NachhaltigkeitBahrs, E.MiscellaneousAgrarsysteme der Zukunft - Smart und nachhaltig Lebensmittel produzieren. BMBF Mai 2024, S. 27.CP16
Enhancing arthropod occurrence in wheat cropping systems: the role of non-chemical pest management and nitrogen optimizationGitzel, J., Kampen, H., Sellmann, J., Schwarz, J., Hoffmann, L.M., Kühne, S., Ulrichs, C., Werner, D.Peer-reviewed articleEnvironmental Monitoring and AssessmentCP11
Consumer willingness to pay for pesticide-free food products with different processing degrees: Does additional information on cultivation have an influence?Nitzko, S., Bahrs, E., Spiller, A.Peer-reviewed articleFarming System



Anbau ohne synthetischen Pflanzenschutz. Hrsg Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)Claß-Mahler I.Peer-reviewed articleBonn LandInForm, Magazin für Ländliche Räume CP16C
Yield Potential of Cropping Systems without Chemical Synthetic Plant Protection Products in NOcsPS field trials in GermanyClaß-Mahler, I.; Zimmermann, B.; Hermann, W.; Schwarz, J.; Piepho, H.P.; Lewandowski, I.; Kehlenbeck, H.; Bahrs, E.Peer-reviewed articleJournal of Sustainable and Organic Agriculture


TitleAuthorPublication TypePublished inCP Number
Factors influencing the acceptance of pesticide-free farming systems by farmersJahnke, M.; Bieling, C.Peer-reviewed articleJournal of Cultivated PlantsCP18
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Reduktion chemischer Pflanzenschutz­mittel in der Landwirtschaft aus ökonomischer SichtBahrs, E.Peer-reviewed articleJournal of Cultivated PlantsCP16
Consumer willingness to pay for pesticide-free food products with different processing degrees: Does additional information on cultivation have an influence?Nitzko, S.; Bahrs, E.; Spiller, A.Peer-reviewed articleFarming System


Consumer Segmentation for Pesticide-free Food Products in GermanyWendt, M.; Weinrich, R.Peer-reviewed articleSustainable Production and ConsumptionCP26
Hyperspectral Imaging and Selected Biological Control Agents for the Management of Fusarium Head Blight in Spring WheatRieker M.E.G.; Lutz M.A.; El-Hasan A.; Thomas S.; Voegele R.T.Peer-reviewed articleplantsCP10
How to determine temporal yield variances of various cropping systems for modelling farmers’ production risk – Illustrated by results from a long-term field trialPergner I.; Lippert C.; Piepho H.P.; Schwarz J.; Kehlenbeck H.Peer-reviewed articleEuropean Journal of AgronomyCP17
Farm income and food supply impacts of increased natural pest control potentials in the agricultural landscape: the case of the German state Brandenburg.Sponagel, C.; Klinnert, A.; Catarino, R.; Beber, C. L.; Baldoni, E.; Barbosa, A-L.; Witte, F.; Bahrs, E.Conference proceedingsXVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, 29.08.- 01.09.2023.CP16
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Reduktion chemischer Pflanzenschutzmittel in der Landwirtschaft aus ökonomischer SichtBahrs, E.Peer-reviewed articleJKI KulturpflanzenjournalCP16
Role of Mineral Nitrogen Nutrition in Fungal Plant Diseases of Cereal CropsMaywald, N., Francioli, D., Mang, M., Ludewig, U.Peer-reviewed articleCritical Reviews in Plant SciencesCP7
On the effects that motivate pesticide use in perspective of designing a cropping system without pesticides but with mineral fertilizer—a reviewPergner, I., Lippert, C.Peer-reviewed articleAgronomy for Sustainable DevelopmentCP17
Weed control in a pesticide‐free farming system with mineral fertilisersSaile, M., Spaeth, M., Schwarz, J., Bahrs, E., Claß‐Mahler, I., Gerhards, R.Peer-reviewed articleWeed ResearchCP2
TitleAuthorPublication TypePublished inCP Number
Methodology and Indices for the Spatial Evaluation of Different Planting PatternsFeike, T., Lieb, R.TagungsbandXVII.Congress of the European Society for Agronomy: Diversification & Digitalisation – Trends that Shape Future AgricultureCP12
Wie wird die Digitalisierung unsere Landwirtschaft verändern?Bahrs, E.ZeitschriftenbeitragUmweltzeitungCP16
Möglichkeiten naturnäherer Ackerbauprodukte mit Landwirtschaft 4.0Bahrs, E.Tagungsband55. Jahrestagung DGQ: Qualität 2030: Produktqualität in Zeiten des globalen WandelsCP16
Weed Management in Ridge Tillage Systems—A ReviewAlagbo, O., Spaeth, M., Saile, M., Schumacher, M., Gerhards, R.Peer-reviewed articleAgronomyCP2
Concept and performance of an autonomous precision seeder for grain cropsGriepentrog, H.W., Stana, A., Reiser, D.Conference proceedings

International Conference on Agricultural Engineering

Yield reduction due to diseases and lodging and impact of input intensity on yield in variety trials in five cereal cropsLaidig, F., Feike, T., Klocke, B., Macholdt, J., Miedaner, T., Rentel, D., Piepho, H.-P.Peer-reviewed articleEuphyticaCP12
Does pesticide-free agriculture work? Evidence from the NOcsPS-field experiment in Brandenburg, GermanyLieb, R., Klocke, B., Feike, T., Schwarz, J.Conference proceedingsXVII. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy...CP12
Nitrogen improves the recovery of maize plants under repeated drought stressMaywald, N.J., Hernández‐Pridybailo, A., Ludewig, U.Peer-reviewed articleJ. Plant Nutr. Soil SciCP7
Ammonium fertilization increases the susceptibility to fungal leaf and root pathogens in winter wheatMaywald, N.J., Mang, M., Pahls, N., Neumann, G., Ludewig, U., Francioli, D.Peer-reviewed articleFront. Plant SciCP7
Pesticide residues in food and drinking water from the consumerʼs perspective: The relevance of maximum residue levels and product-specific differencesNitzko, S., Bahrs, E., Spiller A. Peer-reviewed articleSustainable Production and ConsumptionCP19
Antagonisten gegen Schadpilze - Chemisch-synthetischen Pflanzenschutz reduzieren: Biologische Gegenspieler als FungizidersatzRieker, M.Magazine articleLandwirtschaft ohne PflugCP10
Evaluating sensor-based mechanical weeding combined with pre- and post-emergence herbicides for integrated weed management in cerealsSaile, M., Spaeth, M., Gerhards, R.Peer-reviewed articleAgronomyCP2
Ist Bio die Zukunft? Politik für eine nachhaltigere LandwirtschaftSpiller, A., Iweala, S.Peer-reviewed articlePolit ZeitgeschCP19
Potentials to Reduce Pesticides with an Eco-Scheme – The Case of Baden-WürttembergWitte, F., Sponagel, C., Bahrs, E.Conference proceedingsProceedings of the Joint Conference of the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists (DAES) and the Austrian Association of Agricultural Economists (ÖGA)CP16
TitleAuthorPublication TypePublished inCP Number
Mineral-Ecological Cropping Systems ‒ A New Approach to Improve Ecosystem Services by Farming without Chemical Synthetic Plant Protection

Zimmermann, B.; Claß-Mahler, I.; von Cossel, M.; Lewandowski, I.; Weik, J.; Spiller, A.; Nitzko, S.; ...

Peer-reviewed articleAgronomyAll CPs
Landwirtschaft 4.0 ‒ Hochmodern und ohne chemische PflanzenschutzmittelBahrs, E.Magazine articleBioPro-MagazinCP16C
Grips im Grün ‒ Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz für eine umweltfreundlichere Landwirtschaft. Bahrs, E.Magazine articleBild der Wissenschaft, Sommer 2021, S. 80-83CP16C
Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten von nachhaltigen Pflanzenproduktionssystemen aus ag-rarökonomischer Perspektive mit Beispielen.Bahrs, E.Peer-reviewed articlePflanzenproduktion in Deutschland – Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für...CP16C
Möglichkeiten für nachhaltigere Landbausysteme mit hochwertigeren Vermarktungschancen. Bahrs, E.Magazine articleLoccumer Protokolle 4/21, Ein Gesellschaftsvertrag für die Landwirtschaft? S. 129-138, Loccumer Landwirtschaftstagung 2021CP16C
Long-term breeding progress of yield, yield-related, and disease resistance traits in five cereal crops of German variety trials.Laidig, F.; Feike, T.; Klocke, B.; Macholdt, J.; Miedaner, T.; Rentel, D.; Piepho, H.-P. Peer-reviewed articleTheoretical and Applied GeneticsCP12
Breeding progress of disease resistance and impact of disease severity under natural infections in winter wheat variety trials.Laidig, F.; Feike, T.; Hadasch, S.; Rentel, D.; Klocke, B.; Miedaner, T.; Piepho, H.P. Peer-reviewed articleTheoretical and Applied GeneticsCP12
Resistance breeding progress and impact of disease severity under natural infections in winter wheat variety trials in Germany in 1983-2019Laidig, F.; Feike, T.; Hadasch, S.; Rentel, D.; Klocke, B.; Miedaner, T.; Piepho, H.-P.Conference proceedingsJulius Kühn-InstitutCP12
Methodology and indices for the spatial evaluation of different planting patterns.Lieb, R.; Kottmann, L.; Hermann, D.; Posch, S.; Feike, T. Conference proceedings63. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e. V.:...CP12
LaNdwirtschaft 4.0 Ohne chemisch-synthetischen PflanzenSchutz (NOcsPS) am Standort Dahnsdorf.Schwarz, J.; Feike, T.; Lieb, R.; Kühne, S.; Gitzel, J.; Kehlenbeck, H.; Klocke, B.; Krengel-Horney, S.Conference proceedingsJulius Kühn-InstitutCP12
Performance of wheat and rye in a mineral-ecological cropping system in Brandenburg.Lieb, R.; Klocke, B.; Schwarz, J.; Feike, T. Conference proceedings63. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e. V.:...CP12
Methodology and indices for the spatial evaluation of different planting patterns.Lieb, R.; Klocke, B.; Schwarz, J.; Feike, T. Conference proceedings13th Young Scientists Meeting 2021: 11th – 13th October...CP12
TitleAuthorPublication TypePublished inCP Number
Betriebswirtschaftlich gesehen - Neue Herausforderungen der Unkrautbehandlung.Bahrs, E.Magazine articleDer Pflanzenarzt, 4/2020, S. 29-31CP16C
Ökonomische Aspekte zukünftiger Unkrautbekämpfungsstrategien.Bahrs, E., Back. H. und F. Witte Conference proceedingsTagungsband 29. Deutsche Arbeitsbesprechung über Fragen der Unkrautbiologie und – bekämpfung, Braunschweig 2020, S. 6-12.CP16
Unkrautbekämpfung 2.0 - eine betriebswirtschaftliche Betrachtung.Bahrs, E., Witte, F., Back, H. Magazine articleInnovations-Magazin 2020, S. 14-15CP16
Konventionell oder öko? Claß-Mahler, I.Magazine articleIn: BWagrar, 35/2020, S. 15.CP16C
TitleAuthorPublication TypePublished inCP Number
Den herkömmlichen Anbau inspirieren.Bahrs, E.Interview / Magazine articleIn: VR Agrar, 10/2019, S. 4.CP16C